Michael Forss

Missionary to Unalakleet, Alaska • USA 

My name is Michael and my wife’s name is Amanda. Our children’s names are: Brook, Wade, Cedar, Owen, and Rhen. I was born and raised in Alaska and my wife was 2 years old when her family moved to Alaska in the Air Force. Amanda’s family soon began attending the Independent Baptist church of Anchorage where my family later began attending when I was 8 years old (1998). We were both saved and baptized by the grace of God through this ministry. God began directing us both towards missions early on in our youth to which we surrendered. We grew up together serving in various ministries of our church including: bus ministry and camp ministry where I’ve served as camp director for the past 8 years. After graduating high school in 2008 we enrolled in our church’s Bible college where I completed a bachelor degree majoring in missions. We were married June 12th, 2010 .I took any opportunity I could to assist in Alaska mission efforts including building projects. In 2013, I was able to take a foreign mission trip to Papua New Guinea to help in a building project for our now pastor, Terry McGovern. The Lord used this trip greatly in my life in the area of missions. In 2019 we were able to raise enough funds for our family to provide furlough support for two missionary families serving here in Alaska villages. This provided an opportunity for our whole family to serve together in church planting ministries. It was through this time the Lord confirmed the call for us to work in full time ministry in Alaska. My vision is to assist in current church planting efforts and plant churches in, but not limited to, Western Alaska native villages. The Lord has particularly laid on my heart the need for training native pastors for these churches.